back with a “5 minute Friday” audio edition
key concepts I cover in this snippet:
BHAG definition: big hairy audacious goal
BHAG purpose: think big, ship small
BHAG evaluation: does it bend the curve?
BHAG framing: what does outsized ROI look like?
BHAG value: connects the dots to overall vision
I’d love to hear from listeners about their experiences with using BHAGs - please chime in via comments👇. And if you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing.
further reading / references
this excerpt from the Jim Collins book Built to Last seems to be the original mention of the BHAG concept
readers of this newsletter will be familiar with the invisible asymptote mental model - the original Eugene Wei blog post explains how Amazon Prime was a BHAG to solve shipping costs / purchase friction
I’ve spoken before about the power of “thinking long, writing short”
BHAG thinking goes hand in hand with appropriately chunking / strategically sequencing work, something I highlighted via the power of layering choices and dove into in a previous episode of 5 Minute Fridays (strategy sophistication)
childish drawing / interpretation
BHAG Thinking