back with a “5 minute Friday” audio edition
key concepts I cover in this snippet:
the importance of having a point of view (PoV)
the misnomer that a refined PoV is “instinct”
the mistake of over-indexing on the insight
user behavior as the foundation of insights
techniques for understanding user behavior
and user behavior is 1 dimension (of 3) you need to craft compelling product vision (which I talk about further in the linked post below in further reading)
I’d love to hear from listeners about their experiences with cross-functional accountability - please chime in via comments👇. And if you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing.
further reading / references
imposter syndrome is very natural as you work to sharpen your vision
how product sense develops has been a topic of interest for a while
selling your point of view on the market (vs pitching features) is the way to go
layering choices is a way to apply the power of compound interest to products
“natural” public speaking is a myth where we mistakenly see innate brilliance
products are workflows; clear once you see, but you have to train yourself to see
there’s no substitute for using your own product - best way to not be surprised
childish drawing / interpretation
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